Festivalpark Werchter Belgium
KluB C


Upheaval is what fuels Kneecap. That starts with the hip-hop trio’s name, which comes from paramilitary organisations’ practice of shooting suspected offenders in the knee. Yes, DJ Próvaí and rappers Mo Chara and Móglaí Bap come from Belfast. They talk, predominantly in Irish, about life in Northern Ireland since The Troubles. As such, they are constantly courting controversy. For example, there was great turmoil in Belfast in 2022 regarding the mural of a burning police car that they’d had made. A year later, the same wall was inscribed with the slogan ‘England get out of Ireland’. Kneecap had already had a song banned from the radio and caused a stir after the three shouted ‘Brits out’ in a video. An impressive fact: this fall they'll release the autobiographical movie ‘Kneecap’. After just one album… 

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