Brihang is Belgium’s foremost bard. The story begins with Boudy Verleye from Knokke-Heist, who heard records by Eminem and Ice Cube in his father’s skate shop. He found his language in ‘Sprookje’, a one-line poem by Herman De Coninck. The full text is: ‘There was once a man who was righteous’. Combined together you get word art with a hip-hop template. In West Flemish, which has a nice flow. Brihang is Luc De Vos in the language of Gezelle and Spinvis à la flamande. “Everything is right about that band. And more importantly, I feel it. Maybe because Erik de Jong sings in Dutch. I don’t live in America, do I? I have no connection with Los Angeles”. He does have one with Brussels, however, where he had three sold-out performances in October of his new hit album ‘Droomvoeding’ in the AB.